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  • TA的每日心情
    2017-9-8 16:50
  • 签到天数: 697 天


    发表于 2012-10-14 22:28:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 河南省信阳市


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    一、couple; pair  
    1. She bought a _________of trousers yesterday.  
    2. I found a _________of shoes in the bedroom , but they don't make a_______ .
    3. Not every ________ is a ________ .  
    答案]1. pair 2. couple , pair 3. couple , pair  
    点拨]两者均可指“一双,一对”。但pair指同种类,同形状,同大小,成对使用,缺一 不可的两件东西;而couple指在某种特定情况下的任何两人或两物,可分可合。另外,两 者也都可指“夫妻”,但couple指表面的结合,而pair指实际的匹配。  
    二、appreciate; admire; enjoy  
    1. He wanted to drive his car and ________ the view.  
    2. Mary ________the dinner very much.  
    3. She often goes to concerts to _______the classic music.  
    答案]1.admire 2. enjoyed 3. appreciate  
    点拨]这三个词都有“欣赏”之意。appreciate表示通过理解或正确判断其价值而欣赏享 受; admire表示怀着愉快、满足或惊喜看着某事物,通常用于视觉享受; enjoy仅指得 到感官或精神上的乐趣或满足,具有“享受”之意。  
    三、stupid; silly; foolish  
    1. He is ________ in learning maths.  
    2. Don't be so ________ , my dear.  
    3. It is a ________ thing to spend money on something you can't afford.  
    答案]1.stupid 2. silly 3. foolish  
    点拨]stupid指反应迟钝或缺乏正常智力或理解力; silly指愚笨得可笑,十分可鄙,但 有时也含有单纯和无知之意,用于指小孩或亲人时往往有某种亲切感; foolish一般指缺 乏正常推理和判断能力或常识。  
    四、hurt; injure; wound; harm;damage  
    1. My feelings were ________when he didn't ask me to the party.  
    2. In the battle, eight soliders were killed and three _________.  
    3. Smoking can ________ one's health.  
    4. The driver ________ himself badly in the accident.  
    5. The boy ________ my car with a stone.  
    6. We won't do anything that will ________ the cause of peace.  
    答案]1. hurt 2.wounded 3. injure 4. hurt 5. damaged 6. harm  
    点拨]hurt指任何肉体和精神或感情上的伤害,尤其指刺伤、打伤等,强调其痛苦的后果 ; injure指由于偶发事故或意外造成的外表或肌体受到的损害; wound常常指因战争、角 斗引起的刀伤、枪伤,尤其指在战场上所受的伤; harm除指肉体或精神上的伤害外,还可用于抽象事物,尤其是指不道德的事情;damage主要指对于物的伤害,强调对于价值、用途和外观等所造成的损失。这种损失或因自然所致、或因人为造成的。  
    五、in all; at all; after all; above all  
    1. Do it well if you do it __________ .  
    2. There are sixty-five students in our classroom _________ .  
    3.“Thank you very much.”“Not ___________ .”  
    4. Children need many things, but ___________ they need love.  
    5. _________ , she is only a girl of eight.  
    6. I do not agree __________ .  
    答案]1. at all 2.in all 3. at all 4. above all 5. After all 6. at all  
    点拨]in all意为“总共”、“总计”,可用于句首或句末; at all一般用于条件句或否 定句中,用来加强语气有“根本”、“当然”之意; after all意为“毕竟”、“别忘了 ”,用于句首,表示提醒对方,用于句末,表示“竟然”意; above all意为“首先”、“首要”、“最重要的”,可用于句首或句中。
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