刘健 发表于 2012-10-17 18:03:23


      对英语初学者来说,动词的用法也许是比较难以学习和掌握的。动词的时态也是其中之一,它在语言实践和运用中尤为重要。本文就本单元所列举的一些语法知识——动词的四种时态的基本用法进行概括、总结和归纳,旨在对同学们有所启发和帮助。把握“现在”,勿忘“过去”——初中英语动词的四种时态回放            (原载《考试与评价》中考版,作者:刘健 )            【版权所有,请勿转载或制作其他出版物】[知识检测选择最佳答案:1. ——Can your father drive?——Yes, and he usually ________to school. (武汉市)A. drove   B. is driving   C. drives   D. has driven2. Happiness ________ in her grandfather’s eyes every time he hears her voice. (杭州市)A. shines   B. is shining   C. has shone    D. was shone         3. Could you tell me where the West lake Garden_______?(兰州市)A. lies   B. will lie   C. lie       D. was       4. He’ll send us a message as soon as he_______ in Sichuan. (北京市)A. is arriving    B. will arrive   C. arrived    D. arrives    5. ——When ________again?——When he _______, I’ll let you know. (兰州市)A. he comes; will come       B. will he come; will comeC. he comes; comes          D. will he come; comes      6. ——What would you do if it _______ tomorrow?——We have to rain it on, since we’ve got everything ready. (泰安市)A. rain   B. rains   C. will rain       D. is raining      7.   Don’t turn on the TV. Grandma _________ now. (北京市)A. is sleeping   B. will sleep   C. slept   D. sleeps   8.   Look! Jane’s grandmother ______ with some aged people in the park. (上海市)A. dances    B. danced   C. is dancing       D. was dancing9.   ——Mary, could you help me?——Wait a moment. I ______.(辽宁省十二市)A. read a book         B. did my home work   C. was watching          D. am cooking dinner   10.——Cindy, dinner is ready. Where’s John?——He _______ homework in his room. (温州市)A. does      B. did       C. is doing       D. will do   11. We were in Qingdao last week and _______great fun there. (北京市)A. will have    B. have had      C. had   D. have    12. ——When ______ your mother ______you that blue dress, Mary?——Sorry, I really can’t remember. (武汉市)A. does; buyB. has; boughtC. had; boughtD. did; buy13.Kevin _______to work in his hometown after he graduated from university. (上海市)A. goes    B. went       C. will go    D. had gone    14.Nick _______a new camera. He has taken lots of pictures with it. (河北省)A. buys    B. is buying    C. bought   D. will buy   15.She _______in a toy factory, but now she has a shop of her own. (兰州市)A. is used to work          B. was used to workC. used to working         D. used to work    16. ——Hello! Can I speak to Alice?——Sorry. She isn’t right now. She _______ to the shop. (北京市)A. goes   B. will go      C. has gone   D. was going    17.——_______you _______the film Harry Potter 5?——Not yet. I’ll see it this Sunday. (重庆市)A. Did; see   B. Are; seeing    C. Have; seen    D. Do; see    18. ——Look! The light is still on in Mr Zhang’s office.——I afraid he ______ his work yet. (河南省)A. doesn’t finishB. didn’t finishC. hasn’t finishedD. won’t finish19. Do you want to see the film Harry Potter II?The film Harry Potter II? I ______it. It’s really wonderful. (黄冈市)A. see    B. have seen    C. was seeing   D. has seen      20. She______ the same song so many times. I’m getting sick of it! (杭州市)A. sings    B. sang    C. will sing   D. has sung   21. How’s Annie? I ______ her for a long time. (河北省)A. don’t see   B. won’t see   C. didn’t see   D. haven’t seen22.I won’t forget my teacher because she _______so kind to me since I came to this school. (山西省)A. has been   B. will be   C. was    D. is   23.——Bad luck! It’s too late!——It doesn’t matter. The movie ________for only a few minutes. You can’t miss it. (潍坊市)A. has began   B. has been on   C. began   D. was on    24. ——Who’s the little baby in the photo, Susan? ——It’s me. This photo ________ten years ago. (北京市) A. takes   B. is taken   C. took   D. was taken    25. Last year, Li Hua, a college student, _______to work for the Olympic Games. (河北省)A. is choosing   B. is chosen    C. was choosing   D. was chosen[答案] 1-5 CAADD    6-10 BACDC   11-15 CDBCD 16-20 CCCBD21-25 DABDD[知识讲解[回放一] 一般现在时[归纳] 一般现在时的五种基本用法   一般现在时大多以动词的原形来表示的;动词be(am/is/are)和have(has)在人称和数上应按自己的变化规则与主语保持一致。其他动词如果主语是第三人称单数,则应按照第三人称单数的变化规律变化而变化。一般现在时常与always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, never等频度副词连用。频度副词在句中位置应放在行为动词之前或be动词之后。它有以下五种基本用法:1.   表示人或物现在的状态或性质。如:I am a student. He is twelve.迈克是学生。他十二岁了。Our English teacher is at work.我们的英语老师在工作。2.   表示经常性或习惯性的动作或状态。如题1C, 2A。如:I get up at six every morning.我每天早晨六点钟起床。She often goes to school by bus.她经常乘公共汽车上学。3.   表示主语具备的能力或性格。如:She likes children.她喜欢孩子。They speak French.他们讲法语。4.   表示普遍存在的事实或真理。如题3A。如:Three and two is five.三加二等于五。The earth goes round the sun.地球围绕太阳转。Where there is a will, there is a way.有志者事竟成。5.   表示将来的动作或状态。如:1) 可以表示事先安排或计划好的将来的动作。这些动词往往表示“来,去,出发,到达,离开,开始”等含义,包括come, go, arrive, leave, start, be, stay等行为动词。如:Tomorrow is Sunday.明天星期日。They arrive in Shanghai this afternoon.他们将于今天下午到达上海。The train starts at eight.火车八点钟开。2) 在含有条件或时间状语从句的主从复合句中,主句是将来时,从句用现在时。如题4D,5D,6B。如:If it is fine tomorrow, we will go.如果明天是晴天,我们就去。We’ll have a big party for him when he gets here.当他到这儿时,我们将为他举行盛大聚会。[回放二现在进行时          [归纳现在进行时的五种基本用法现在进行时由 “助动词be(am/is/are)+v.-ing形式”构成。常与now, at the moment, today, these days, this week等时间状语连用。它有以下五种基本用法:1.   表示说话人说话时正在发生或进行的动作。如题7A, 8C, 9D, 10C。例如:They are having an English lesson in the classroom now.他们正在教室里上英语课。Look! He is playing basketball.看!他正在打篮球。2.   表示最近一段时间或现阶段正在进行的动作,但说话时该动作不一定在进行。例如:——What are you doing these days? 近来你在干什么?——I am writing a book. 我在写一本书。3.   动词go, come, leave, arrive, start, stay等行为动词的现在进行时形式可以表示预计将发生的动作,并且可以与表示将来的时间状语连用。例如:Mary is coming here next Sunday.玛丽下星期日来这里。4.   进行时常与always, all the time, forever等时间状语连用,表示反复发生的或习惯性的动作,常表示不满、抱怨或赞赏等情感。例如:She is always asking for money.她总是在要钱。He is always thinking of others.他总是为别人着想。5.   表示感觉、情感、看法、愿望、心理状态、所有关系或特征等的状态动词(如hear, love, think, wish, forget, own, have, be等)一般不用进行时态。[回放三一般过去时[归纳一般过去时的二种基本用法一般过去时是以动词的过去式来表示的;动词be(was/were)在人称和数上应按自己的变化规则与主语保持一致。常与yesterday, last year, a minutes ago, in those days, just now, in 2006等表示过去的时间状语连用。它有以下二种基本用法:1.   表示过去某个时间发生的动作或状态。如题11C, 12D, 13B, 14C。如:He got up at 6:30 yesterday.昨天他6点30分起床。Where were you just now?你刚才在哪里?2.   表示过去经常或反复发生的动作,常与always, usually, often, 等频度副词的时间状语连用。还可以用 “used+动词原形”或 “would+动词原形”来表示。如题15D。如:He always went to work by bus last year.去年他总是乘公共汽车上班。When we were children, we used to/would go swimming every summer.当我们小的时候,每年夏天都去游泳。[回放四现在完成时[归纳现在完成时的二种基本用法现在完成时由 “助动词have(has)+过去分词”构成。可以和already, never, ever, just, before, yet等状语连用。它有以下二种基本用法:1. 表示过去发生或已经完成的某一个动作对现在造成的影响或结果。如题16C, 17C, 18C, 19B, 20D。如:I have already cleaned the classroom.我已经打扫教室了。(结果:现在教室是干净的。)——Have you had your breakfast yet?——Yes, I have. I’ve just had it.——你已吃过早餐了吗?——我吃过了。我刚吃过。(结果:现在我不饿了。)2. 表示过去已经开始,持续到现在的动作或状态,可以和表示从过去某一时刻延续到现在(包括 “现在”在内)的一段时间的状语连用。表示持续动作或状态的动词多是延续性动词。如题21D, 22A, 23B。如:I have studied English for six years.我学习英语已经六年了。She has taught us since I came to this school.自从我在这所学校上学以来,她一直教我们。[回放五]一般现在时与现在进行时的用法比较[归纳]一般现在时与现在进行时的用法比较:1.一般现在时用以说明客观事实或现在的状态或性质,或强调动作的经常性或习惯性。现在进行时强调动作正在进行(哪怕是说话瞬间),动作的持续时间是有限的,表示动作的暂时性和未完成性。试比较:He often works on a farm. (一般现在时,说明经常性、反复性)他经常在农场干活。He is working on a farm today. (现在进行时,表示暂时性、未完成)他今天正在农场干活。   2. 一般现在时与always等词连用时表示经常性或习惯性动作,一般不带感情色彩;而现在进行时与always等词连用时表示反复发生的或习惯性的动作,带有不悦或赞赏等感情色彩。试比较:She always loses keys. (一般现在时,无感情色彩)她经常丢钥匙。She is always losing keys. (现在进行时,表示责备)她总是爱丢钥匙。[回放六]一般过去时与现在完成时的用法比较[归纳 一般过去时与现在完成时的用法比较:1. 一般过去时表示过去动作的事实;而现在完成时表示过去动作对现在影响。如:She went to England last week.她上周到英国去了。(不涉及她现在是否回来。)She has gone to England.她到英国去了。(她现在不在这里。)I saw the film yesterday.昨天我看了这部电影。(只说明昨天看了这部电影,不涉及现在的情况。) I have seen the film.我看过这部电影。(我了解这部电影的内容。)2. 一般过去时表示过去延续了一段的动作已停止;而现在完成时表示过去开始的动作延续到现在。如:They lived here in 2000.2000年他们住在这里。(不涉及他们现在是否住在这里。)They have lived here since 2000.他们自2000年以来一直住在这里。(他们现在还住在这里。)[回放六]动词的时态和被动语态[归纳]动词的时态和被动语态:以上列举的句子都是动词在主动语态中的不同时态。事实上,动词在被动语态中也有不同时态。被动语态由“助动词be+及物动词的过去分词”构成。助动词be有人称、数和时态的变化。如一般过去时的被动语态结构是 “be(was/were)+ 及物动词的过去分词”构成。如题24D, 25D。如:——When was the car invented?——It was invented in 1885.——小汽车是什么时间发明的?——它被发明于1885年。                  
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