刘健 发表于 2012-10-15 21:04:08


一、emotion; feelings
1. He didn't mean to hurt her _________ .
2. Love, joy, hate, fear and grief are _________ .
3. She described the accident in a voice shaking with ________ .
[答案]1. feelings 2. emotions 3. emotion
[点拨]emotion是指喜怒哀乐的情感或指感情的激动状态; feelings是普通用语,指人们 心里总的复杂的感情,常常用复数。
二、offer; provide
1. I have been________ a job in England.
2. The school ________ the students with food.
3. The teacher _________ me her help.
4. It is duty of the govrernment to _________ homes for the old.
[答案]1.offered 2. provided 3. offered 4. provide
[点拨]offer一般表示主动慷慨地给别人提供某物,常用于offer sb. sth.或offer sth.
to sb.的固定搭配中; provide表示出于某种责任为人或物提供需要或有用的西,常用 于provide sb. with sth. 或provide sth. for sb.的固定搭配中。
三、manage; try
1. She __________ to close the window, but she couldn't.
2. Let's ________knocking at the back door.
3. ---Do you have a ticket for the film tonight?
---Yes, I have ________to get one.
4. We'll________ our best to help you.
[答案]1. tried 2. try 3. managed 4. try
[点拨]manage to do 表示“设法做成了某事”,强调其结果是成功的; try to do 表示“尽力做某事”,不包含是否成功的意思; try doing表示“试着去做某事”,指“试”的方法或方式,看是否行得通或效果如何。
四、common;usual; ordinary;normal
1. 37*C is the ___________ temperature of the human body.
2. As ________, he stayed up late last night.
3. Smith is a __________ name in England.
4. That morning she came earlier than________, for that day was not________.
5. He was of _________ height, not too high, nor too short.
[答案]1. normal 2. usual 3. common 4. usual, ordinary 5. ordinary
[点拨]common指普通的、非特别的、并非稀罕的或为多个人所共有的,或为很大一部分事物所共有的; usual指通常的、常有的或惯例的,强调依照某人或某物的常例来判断,含 有遵循常规之意; ordinary指很普通的、平常的或平凡的,强调缺少鲜明的特色; normal 指正常的或标准的,强调在正常情况下应有的状态或现象。

千寻 发表于 2012-10-15 21:50:22

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