刘健 发表于 2012-10-9 21:19:25


一、climate; weather
1. What is the________ like today?
2. A drier________ would be good for your health.
3. She stays at home in wet________ .
4. The old man is thinking of moving to a warm________.
[答案]1. weather 2. climate 3. weather 4. climate
[点拨]climate意为气候,指一个地区气候的总情况,如气温、降雨量等,有一定的规律可言,也可指具有这种气候的地方,是可数名词,因此在前面可加上不定冠词; weather意为天气,指特定一天或某个时节的天气的具体情况,如冷暖阴晴等,没有规律可言,是不可数名词。
二、discover; invent
1. Who ________ American in 1492?
2. It was Bell who________ the telephone.
3. Oil has been________ under the South Sea.
4. Edison_______the electric light lamp.
[答案]1.discovered 2.invented 3.discovered 4. invented
[点拨]discover意为“发现”,指发现原来客观存在但以前却不为人所知的事物,也可表示发现已为人知的事物的新性质或用途; invent意为“发明”,指经过认识和实践创造出前所未有的事物,往往是物质性的东西。
三、take place; happen
1. It is reported that the accident________early in the morning.
2. When will the wedding_________?
3. The May 4th Movement_________in Beijing in 1919.
4. I _________ to meet him in the street yesterday.
[答案]1.happened 2. take place 3. took place 4. happened
[点拨]这两个词都有“发生”的意思,但都不能用于被动语态。take place指事先布置或策划而后发生,没有“偶然”的意味;而happen主要表示事件“偶然”或“未能预见”意外地发生。另外,happen还有“碰巧”的意思。
四、while; however; but
1. It's raining hard. _______, I think we should go out.
2.You like sports,_______ I like music.
3. She was wrong, ________ .
4. He hasn't arrived. He may, ________, come late.
5. We love peace, ________we are not afraid of war.
6. _______ I was in Beijing, I met a friend of mine.
[答案]1.However 2. while 3. however 4. however 5. but
五、space; place; room
1. He has been to many_______ , such as Beijing, Wuhan and Shanghai.
2. Is there________ for me in the car?
3. The universe exists in________.
4. The woman lives at_________ 208.
[答案]1. places 2. space/room 3. space 4. Room
place意为“地方”,指某一具体地点; room作“空间”“空地”“空位置”之意时,是不可数名词,指可以容纳东西或为其他目的而使用的空间。另外,room作“房间”之意时,是可数名词。

雨季 发表于 2012-10-10 08:47:24

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