刘健 发表于 2012-10-9 12:17:21


一、used to do sth.; be used to do sth.; be used to (doing) sth.; be
used for
1. The knife can________cut bread.
2. She________ walk to school, but now she goes by bus.
3. He will________ getting up early.
4. Wood________ making paper.
5. You'll soon________this kind of weather here.
[答案]1. be used to 2. used to 3. be used to 4. is used for 5. be
used to
[点拨] used to do
sth.指过去的习惯和状态,因而只用于过去时,表示以前常常做某事,暗含的意思是“现在不做了”; be used to do
sth.意思是指被用于做某事,不定式表示目的,可用于多种时态;be used to (doing) sth.中的to是介词,后面接名词、代词或动名词,意思为“习惯于”,be可用于多种时态,也可用get或become等替换,以表示“逐渐习惯于”;
be used for表示“作……用”,后面接名词、代词或动名词。
二、alone; lone; lonely
1. There is a_______ tree in the garden. It's planted last spring.
2. He was_______ , but he didn't feel_______ .
3. I found himself________ in the room.
[答案]1. lone 2. alone, lonely 3. alone
[点拨]alone可作副词和表语形容词,意为“单独、独自”,表示客观情况无感情色彩; lone指人孤独,指物是单独一个,是定语形容词; lonely只用作形容词,表示“孤独的、寂寞的”,带有浓厚的感情色彩,修饰地点、场所时,表示“偏僻的、荒凉的、人迹罕至的”,在句子中作定语或表语。
三、put up; set up; build; build up
1. We shall________ camp here.
2. _______ your hands if you have any question.
3. They________ many tall buildings last year.
4. They're trying hard to________ an independent economy.
5. The factory_______ a night school last week.
6. The students________ a map of China on the wall yesterday.
[答案]1. put up/set up 2. Put up 3. put up/set up/built 4. build
up 5.set up 6. put up
[点拨]表示“搭起简易的建筑物”或表示建筑物“建起”时,put up, set up,
build基本可以通用; 表示“竖起”、“挂起”时,可以用put up和 set up;
表示“建立, 逐渐造成或获得声誉或局面”或用于被动语态表示“到处都是建筑物”时可以用build up。另外, put up还有“举起”和“张贴”之意; set
四、lay; lie; lie
1. As you make your bed so you must________ on it.
2. I never thought you would_________ to me.
3. China________ in the east of Asia.
4. Please_______ the book on the desk.
5. He______on the ground_______ to me that his hen had_______ two eggs
a day.
[答案]1.lie 2.lie 3.lies 4. lay 5. lay, lying, laid
[点拨]这三个词均可以作动词,但意思各不相同,同时也要注意它们各自的动词原形、过去式、过去分词和-ing形式的不同。lay-laid-laid-laying, “躺,卧,位于”; lie-lay-lain-lying,“放置,产卵”; lie-lied-lied-lying,“撒谎”。
五、pull; drag
1. He _______ his tired feet slowly along.
2. _______ the door open. Don't push it.
3. The thief was________ off to the police station.
4. I've just had a tooth________ out.
[答案]1.dragged 2.Pull 3. dragged 4. pulled
pull是普通用语,指用力,但不强调力的大小; drag指拖笨重的、阻力很大的东西,慢慢地、使劲费力地拖。

千寻 发表于 2012-10-9 13:05:48

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