刘健 发表于 2012-10-8 19:32:15


1.China is a large_______with a long history.
2.UN is short for the United _______.
3.Railways in China belong to the_________ .
4.The lady, the________first head of_________,often travelled all over
the_________ .
[答案]1.country 2.Nations 3.state 4.nation's, state,country
1.He was deep in ________ .
2.What's your________ of the new President?
3.In my ________ ,we should tell her about it.
4.He has got a good_________idea of what I want.
5.Long live Mao Zedong___________!
[答案]1.thought 2.opinion 3.opinion 4.idea 5.Thought
1.Students should__________ their teachers.
2.Fear Cod and_________ the Queen.
3.The family members show________for the elders and for each other.
4.Teachers should be held in high_________ .
[答案]1.respect 2.honour(honor) 3.respect 4.honour(honor)
四、gift; present
1.The university received a ________ of a million dollars.
2.Each child brought a _________ to the teacher.
[答案]1.gift 2.persent
[点拨]gift指赠送给或捐献给某人、组织或机构的价值较高的礼物;present是较非正式的用词,很可能用以指相对低值的礼物,表示送收双方之间有着一些个人关系。但当请求接受礼品时,一般应说出礼物的具体名称,不宜用gift present。

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