刘健 发表于 2012-10-8 19:25:31


                   高一英语易混词语精练与点拨(1)                           作者刘健声明:版权所有,请勿转载。
一、too much; much too
1.The shirt is_________ large for him.
2.You work________ .
3.Don't read_________ fast.
4.You have given me_________ .
5. I'm afraid I've put you to ________ .
[答案]1.much too 2.too much 3.much too 4.too much 5.too much
[点拨]too much,“过于”、“太多”,作定语,后接不可数名词,还可单独使用作主语、表语、状语等。much too,“极其”、“非常”,后接形容词和副词。
1.Proper_______and exercise are both important to health.
2.We must have_______to eat and clothes to wear.
3.The doctor has ordered me a special________.
4.The sick man not go without_________, but he must have a _______
without sugar.
[答案]1.diet 2.food 3.diet 4.food, diet
1.May I have one_______?
2.I'll come again some________day.
3.One flower is red,________one is white.
4.He'll stay here for_______two weeks.
[答案]1.more 2.other 3.the other 4.another
四、as much as; as many as
1.When she worked there, she could earn_________2,000 dollars a month.
2.In the countries of Black Africa, there are________ 700 languages.
3.He is strong enough to carry________ 100 kilos.
4._______15,000 people have left the homeland.
[答案]1.as much as 2. as many as 3.as much as 4. As many as
[点拨]as much as 和as many as
结构都作“多达”、“到达......的程度”之意。所涉及的数量如果是可数的,则用as many as;如果是不可数的,则用as much as.
1.He does morning_______every day.
2.______makes perfect.
3.She does_______in speaking English after class.
4.Are the_______on page forty?
[答案]1.exercises 2.practice 3.practice 4.exercises
[点拨]这两个词都有“练习”、“训练”之意。practice意指把理论上学到的付诸行动,并反复或定期地做,以便获得技能与熟练; exercise指身体或心智得到训练或发展的活动,常指系统而正式的练习活动,以求获得或保持熟练。

露lucy西 发表于 2012-10-8 19:35:23

还好, 只错了一个, 呵呵,最后一个的第三个搞错了。。。:'(
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